Sore neck? Spinal Health Week is 23rd-29th of May!
Is your neck aching from endless browsing, swiping and texting?
This Spinal Health Week (23-29 May) Unlock Health Chiropractic is on a mission to get as many of the people in our community to think about their spine and have it checked. If you answered yes to any of these questions it’s time to get checked!
Research shows that neck pain is a leading cause of disability in adults (reported up to 20% of adults), with many presenting for assessment.1 In the Global Burden of Disease study in 2010, neck pain ranked fourth highest in terms of disability and twenty-first in overall burden.2 Not surprisingly, neck pain (cervicalgia) constituted in the top five back problem hospitalisations in 2017-18.3
Do you wake up with a stiff neck from poor sleep?
With the average Australian spending more than 5.5 hours on their phone each day4 and a third of us checking our phone within five minutes of waking up each morning5–means we are glued to our phones from the moment we wake up, to the moment we go to sleep!
Neck aches and pains are now a common occurrence placing a huge burden on mental health, relationships, ability to work and quality of life, and it doesn’t stop at neck pain. Neck problems are a common trigger for headaches. They can also cause jaw problems, shoulder pain, or weakness and tingling into the arms and hands.
Maybe you’ve been on a screen longer than last year?
However, living with neck pain doesn’t have to be part of everyday life. Implementing positive spinal health habits in the first place, including good posture, sleep hygiene and partaking in regular movement and exercise regimes are important factors in preventing neck pain.
At Unlock Health Chiropractic Bowral are well equipped to care for neck pain whether it be a new episode of pain or a pre-existing condition.
If you want to get to the bottom of any spinal health concerns, we can provide you with answers and care. At Unlock Health we have a special interest in spinal health and its relationship to the brain body connection so that you can live your best life and unlock your spinal health and overall wellbeing.
This Spinal Health Week is a great time to make an appointment with us to take control of your neck pain!
Contact us on 02 4862 1999 or head to our website at to book an appointment with us today.