Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage

If you have particular muscle tension or chronic pain a remedial massage may be for you. Your remedial massage therapist will assess where you need treatment and what may be causing your pain. They’ll perform some tests to see exactly which muscles are giving you trouble and will tailor a treatment plan to suit. We will work with you to ensure the correct level of pressure is applied. After all, we are all so different! Let us know how much pressure you prefer and we will combine modalities to best suit your needs

Hot Stone Massage

The heat from the stones warms and relaxes the muscles, which allows the therapist to work deep within the muscles during your full body oil massage. The warmth of the hot stones improves circulation and calms the nervous system. This produces a deep state of relaxation and physical healing. Warmed stones allow our Therapists to relieve muscle tension and aches and pains within your body. This is a great option if you simply wish to relax, and de-stress

Remedial Massage Cupping

When cups are placed on the body they create negative pressure, this, in turn, causes greater blood flow to the area. This brings about a deep sense of relaxation in the muscles, increases flexibility, promotes healing and provides pain relief. This is a great option if you are short on time! Our Therapists can work on two areas at once; while the cups do their thing the Therapist can focus on other areas of the body. In many circumstances, our therapists will combine a range of the above treatment modalities after discussing your needs along with the therapist’s findings. Some modalities work better than others at reducing inflammation and promoting blood flow to reduce pain.

In many circumstances, our therapists will combine a range of the above treatment modalities after discussing your needs along with the therapist’s findings. Some modalities work better than others at reducing inflammation and promoting blood flow to reduce pain.

Our Therapists are highly trained, so you can claim on your health fund. DVA and Medicare claims are also available with a referral. Book a Massage today with one of our friendly Therapists.

What Massage Help




Pain & Inflammation


Muscle Tension


Stress & Anxiety

Our Mission

Our Mission We spread smiles, happiness, and education while healing families and our community. We’re on a mission to provide full-body, natural healthcare that focuses on direct answers and long term correction instead of suppressing symptoms. We dig deep to discover the roots of your concerns so that we can develop a balanced, long-lasting solution.

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