Dr Brian ParkChiropractor
You see, years ago I was hiking near the falls when I tripped and hurt my ankle, nothing too serious but it was painful and really frustrating. After a few days the ice, rest and therapy was not working, so I went for an x-ray to be sure and to my surprise everything was fine. I was struggling to focus at University and was unable to play sport and walk without pain. My friend James suggested I see his Chiropractor, at this point I was open to anything! After having an in depth discussion and examination the Chiropractor found that I had a subluxation in my pelvis, pressing the nerve that led right down my leg to where I had pain in my ankle. I was amazed that he found the “underlying cause” that myself and my other professionals had missed or not even considered.
It was just one week later I was out hiking longer than I had in months and at the end of the hike, I knew I wanted to help people by finding the underlying cause and focus the power of the nervous system, in getting the body to heal itself with TRUE TRADITIONAL CHIROPRACTIC, I actually changed my degree that afternoon to Chiropractic, my parents thought I was mad!
Since all those years ago I have been on that mission and I love it.
I grew up in Kangaroo Valley and love the Southern Highlands, hence all the hiking! I am a passionate photographer, I practice multiple forms of martial arts and on my days off you can find me enjoying a nice bush walk or searching for the best coffee in town.
I welcome you to discover our high quality experience rooted in a whole body and whole picture to health approach.